

  I was in shorts with no make up just planned to go out on Sunday night Then the text came in and said everything was stuck at the traffic light I heard the old lady praying in her room just by saying everything would be fine soon I closed my eyes and told myself maybe she's right Then I opened my eyes and saw the lightening strike Before I even closed my window The wind just blew up my face and brought back my sorrow I dreamed abou t sun everyday just by simply ignoring the rain My old man said don't you try to run away from your own pain I said only the sun could make everyone smile He just replied rain could make no one hear your cry Heard the birds were singing, the leaves were falling, that old lady was dancing There I was, running through the door by wearing the biggest smile on my face only to find the rain was still falling When faith and hopes are equally gone I put the blame on my destiny for dragging me into the state of hope to be reborn Part of me already dead On

Sob Rock By John Mayer Album Review

  I never thought I would be writing John Mayer’s new album review in 2021. John Mayer is a true legen d and he is seven times Grammy award winning recording artist. But there’s one thing that I need to admit before I start writing. Well, okay, I pretended that I didn’t like John Mayer because of his reputation (media mentioned him as heart breaker and he broke famous Hollywood leading women’s heart), and because the guy I used to date shared one of his songs to me while we were dating. He shared Love On the Weekend and I loved that song once I listened to it. When we broke up, I tried not to listen to that song intentionally because I hate to think about someone who is not with me anymore. But it was so hard not to listen to that song cos it is too good. Well, that is my personal story and I lived in denial for at least more than 3 years to admit that I like John Mayer. Well for now, I like him a lot and I have been listening to his new album and his songs since last we

A Random Thought on April 19th

  A Random Thought on April 19th A typical evening in my bedroom with the laptop on my lap and browsing several sites to find something which I am not actually looking for. There is no big intention to surf on internet. I just realize that I was doing the things which could make me forget the reality of this world. It’s been more than a year that we all have to stay at home and take a break from traveling and going out. This experience is nothing but a painful experience. There was curfew from 12AM to 4AM during the pandemic period but now things just get worse after the military coup. New curfew time starts at 8 PM to 4AM in the morning. It’s needless to say that I do miss the driving experience in the night. I really do miss the interacting with people freely without wearing the masks, without worrying to be arrested, without concerning about the security and safety. Things just get changed within a year and the worst thing is I don’t know when this all ends. The world is hit with se

Be Optimistic in Realistic Way Amid Crisis

  Be Optimistic in Realistic Way Amid Crisis Who miss 2020? Oh yeah, the people I know miss 2020 and some are wishing to go back to that time era. Isn’t that weird? Of cos it’s not. It is perfectly normal if you are in living in Myanmar or if you are from Myanmar. Let’s be honest about our current situation here. 2020 had been passed and it was not our favorable year at all. Let’s take a look at 2021, there is nothing different. But it is a lot worse than 2020 for the people who live in Myanmar. Covid 19 is still around every corner of the world and we, Myanmar people have been experiencing the ugliest, deadliest coup in the history. So, nothing is in our favor. What we’re gonna do in this situation? To be brutally honest, we need to be tolerate, accept the reality and be positive and not to be emotional about the upcoming events. Everyone dreams about success, prosperity and good life but not everyone is having the life they desire because they are not willing to put effort to reach t

Evermore Album Review

  It’s a surprise Friday! Well yeah, of cos for good reason. Taylor Swift dropped another surprise album for this year. She dropped surprise album in July and it became my most favorite album of hers immediately right after I listened to the tracks. I have been listening to those songs till now. But when she suddenly announced she was going to drop another song last night, I could not breathe for a while. Cos she even claimed that it would be the sister record for Folklore, so I could expect there would be my favorite music genre and poetry song lyrics. Well, yes! I got a chance to listen to her new album today. Even I was at office, I couldn’t help, but listen to this new album. I still cannot find the words to describe how much I loved her new songs again. I love to see her music genre grew more matured and it could relate to all of us. I could even pick up any songs of hers for any moment of my life, just like ABBA. Her previous Folklore inspired me to pursue a


 သူသည် ခြံထဲရှိ သရက်ပင် ပင်စည်ဂွကြား၌ ငူငူကြီးထိုင်လျှက်ရှိသည်။ ဤကမ္ဘာလောကကြီးသည် သူနှင့်လားလားမှ မသက်ဆိုင်တော့သလို အရာရာအား ငေးမောနေမိသည်။ ထိုကဲ့သို့ ငေးမောနေသော်လည်း သူ့မျက်လုံးထဲ၌ ဘာမှမြင်သည်မဟုတ်။ အနီးတွင်ရှိခဲ့ဖူးသော တန်ဖိုးထားရကောင်းမှန်းမသိခဲ့သည့် အရာတစ်ခုက သူ့ဘေးနားမှ ရုတ်တရက်ပျောက်ကွယ်သွားသည့် အတွက် သူအတော် ပူဆွေးနေသည်။ အရာရာသည် ဟာလာဟင်းလင်းဖြင့်် ဗလာနတ္ထိဖြစ်သည်။           သူ၏ ရင့်နင့်အောင်ချစ်ရသူသည် မိခိုင်ဟု လူတိုင်းက သိကြသည်။ မိခိုင်နှင့်သူသည် ငယ်သူငယ်ချင်းများဖြစ်သလို အိမ်နီးနားချင်းများလည်းဖြစ်သည်။ သူကလည်း အရွယ်ရောက်သည့် ကာလလောက်ကတည်းက မိခိုင်ကို ချစ်ခဲ့မိသည်။           သို့သော် သူယခုခံစားနေရသော ဝေဒနာသည် မိခိုင်နှင့် လားလားမှ မသက်ဆိုင်ပါ။ ထို့အတွက် သူပိုပြီး ယူကျုံးမရဖြစ်မိသည်။ အဘယ့်ကြောင့် မိခိုင်မဟုတ်သော လူတစ်ယောက်အတွက် သူနာနာကျင်ကျင် ခံစားနေရသည်ကို သူကိုယ်တိုင်ပင် နားမလည်ပေ။ သေချာသည်ကတော့ အသက် ၃ဝအရွယ်သူသည် သုံးနှစ်သားကလေးတစ်ဦးလို ချုံးပွဲချ ငိုချင်နေမိသည်။ ````````````````````````````````           လွန်ခဲ့သော ဆယ့်ရှစ်နှစ်။           နွေရာသီကျောင်းပိတ်ရက်တိုင်း သူ့အိမ်