Be Optimistic in Realistic Way Amid Crisis


Be Optimistic in Realistic Way Amid Crisis

Who miss 2020? Oh yeah, the people I know miss 2020 and some are wishing to go back to that time era. Isn’t that weird? Of cos it’s not. It is perfectly normal if you are in living in Myanmar or if you are from Myanmar.

Let’s be honest about our current situation here. 2020 had been passed and it was not our favorable year at all. Let’s take a look at 2021, there is nothing different. But it is a lot worse than 2020 for the people who live in Myanmar. Covid 19 is still around every corner of the world and we, Myanmar people have been experiencing the ugliest, deadliest coup in the history. So, nothing is in our favor. What we’re gonna do in this situation? To be brutally honest, we need to be tolerate, accept the reality and be positive and not to be emotional about the upcoming events.

Everyone dreams about success, prosperity and good life but not everyone is having the life they desire because they are not willing to put effort to reach to their desired destination. Hard works always pay off only after long hours of working on our dreams. No one can make babies without being pregnant for nine months. The overnight success only happens in Hollywood movies not in reality world. It always depends on us and how we commit to reach to the stars. Though success cannot happen overnight, the loss can happen overnight. The closest example is none other than recent coup. The country is in turmoil and the decade long open economy and infrastructure was destroyed over one night. Everyone’s life is in uncertainty and people lose the sight of their futures. No one knows what the future holds. No one can predict the future of this country either. And it remains unknown at this moment of writing this article too.

The first thing to do for us is to be patience. In the beginning of the revolution and protest, everyone believed the victory to democracy would happen as miracle within a month or two. This is why most people did not prepare their mind for the long journey. When the victory or the favorable outcomes did not happen in the short time, they turn to be depressed, devastated and disappointed. Whenever I talked to the persons I know, they only discussed for the short time. No one would like to discuss about the long time journey. We must accept that this journey takes time as there are so many conflicts to solve along the way. Of cos there will be so many sacrifices along the journey too.

It is good thing to take a break from social media especially from Facebook where people share everything they see on their newsfeed. It really can be harmful to the audience. Due to Facebook algorithm, the audience will only see the things they choose to see. This is why people get blind and far from the reality. Some read the articles and post about external forces’ miracle help and they believed that the victory was just around the corner. They involved in the movement called for the external help and when it did not happen as they imagined, they started criticizing on the social media too. When someone said the external help was less likely to happen, they were ready to pick the argument over that subject. This is the one of the examples of describing how people get far from reality.

So what is reality? The reality is this is the revolution that the civilians need to fight against the strongest, toughest institution in the country and it will take years to win to go back to normalcy. There will be no savior for this revolution. If there’s savior, it is the citizen themselves. But people are more likely to rely on persons who say the things they want to hear, who pose the contents they want to see, who share the news they want to watch. It goes wrong simple as that. There’s several improvement in this whole movement, but there’s also several bitter reality that people need to accept. What will happen if people get far from reality? They will be living in the false hope and they will be more devastated when they see the progress takes time. So what happens if they feel that way? Chances are those people are likely to give up after three or four months of fighting against. Several thousands of people involved in Civil Disobedience Movement but those people initially thought this movement would only take the couple of months. Now it is crystal clear that it will take time. So, they need to have the answer of how they are going to survive during this long period of time. How the private sector will offer the help and support them? There are several questions need to be answered if everyone wants to win.

Since this is the end game, everyone has to prepare for it. It will be better for everyone to be more being logical than being emotional. Being emotional during the crisis is not helpful. We need to have the clear mind to see the events and figure out which way will be suitable to survive. I found so many people would like to believe what fortune tellers predicted and more than half of people thought things would get change before Myanmar New Year. Some people did not believe those predictions but they said they needed the motivation, other people needed the motivation too. So they chose to pose it on their walls to spread the motivation. But since this is fake, only false hope can rise up and nothing will happen.

Being optimistic doesn’t mean believing the false information and hoping this chaos ends as miracle. Being optimistic means seeing the improvement of transformation of revolution and giving it a time to do the things need to be done. Meanwhile taking good care of your mind not to be emotional over everything you hear or see.

The considerate way to have strong mind during this period is not to believe whatever you see you social media, not to believe in what several lobbyists (from both sides) wrote, not to believe what fortune tellers said. Just keep in touch with the news and read the articles only by the experts to see what can happen. And do not forget that this takes time. It can take years to be normal. Do your homework and be survival. Above of all, be optimistic but in realistic way.



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