A Random Thought on April 19th


A Random Thought on April 19th

A typical evening in my bedroom with the laptop on my lap and browsing several sites to find something which I am not actually looking for. There is no big intention to surf on internet. I just realize that I was doing the things which could make me forget the reality of this world. It’s been more than a year that we all have to stay at home and take a break from traveling and going out. This experience is nothing but a painful experience. There was curfew from 12AM to 4AM during the pandemic period but now things just get worse after the military coup. New curfew time starts at 8 PM to 4AM in the morning. It’s needless to say that I do miss the driving experience in the night.

I really do miss the interacting with people freely without wearing the masks, without worrying to be arrested, without concerning about the security and safety. Things just get changed within a year and the worst thing is I don’t know when this all ends. The world is hit with severe third wave of Covid19 and the country I am living in is hit with both covid 19 and the coup. Every place in the country is not safe and peaceful. Everyone just lives with fear and we just gotta learn how to survive in this condition.

I always loved to look forward to and always excite about the things which may happen. But now, I spend more time looking back my past rather than looking forward. I took a sneak look at the memories of the places I took a trip before the covid time. It was full with so much fun. I just got to know that it didn’t matter where I went, who I went with. At the end of the day, the thing that matters the most is I had fun and made the memories to look back. We are aging gradually and we cannot predict what we will happen. The uncertainty of the future is certain.

Well life is really funny and history just repeats itself. I learned about 1997 financial crisis in the business school and saw how the financial market and real estate market were collapsed in 2008. Though those two events hit really low to Myanmar market as the door was closed and had very low connection with global market in both 1997 and 2008, now the economic recession is inevitable as the pandemic is big global crisis. I saw some of my friends’ pay were cut and some were laid off. Things had been really tough in 2020 now it just got worse and several thousands of workers are losing their jobs. Everyday I see so many posts about selling the office items, announcement of business close down and those events reminds me of “Wall Street, Money Never Sleeps.” It is like the rest of us are sitting at our homes and waiting our times.

Well they say every summer has the story that we cannot forget. This is why 2020 summer story is all about Covid19 and 2021 summer story is all about coup. I do hope 2022 summer story will be totally different from what we had in 2020 and 2021. I really want to go back to normalcy as much as everyone wants. I really want to chase my own dreams and fulfill the wishes that I desire. Don’t know how long we all will have to wait for the things to get better, but still holding on tightly and don’t loose the grip.

Well, this random summer day makes me write the random thought.



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