Letter to 17 years old Khwin

Dear 17 years old Khwin,

I wrote this letter to you after 13 years and decided to choose 17 years old Khwin because this is the age you started dreaming about what kind of person you wanted to be and what kind of life you wanted to live. You were nothing at that time but full with several dreams and hopes. You couldn't figure out what to do but you kept dreaming. You were studying but you were not interested in the subjects. Sometimes you wondered why you spent your time in the class room. But when you started learning marketing subject in your class, you found that you liked that one and started thinking to work as marketer after you graduated. You always had questions for everything and you always tried to find the answers for everything too. You always believed that every question has an answer. So it doesn't matter how stupid the question that you asked yourself and others, you always expected the answers. I want you to know that it's good to seek an answer but sometimes you're gonna find some answers are subtle and you need some period of time to get to understand. So, do not lose your patience. Keep stick around what you seek.

Since you started interesting in marketing, since you started dreaming about being marketer, I want to assure you that you are working as marketer once you started your career. It's good that you learned several things in the text book. It's good that marketing is the only subject that you read the whole text book regardless of the exam course. You never cared about your exam and you didn't give a fuck about the result too. But when your friends' grades were better than yours, you blamed yourself for not studying enough. Well, you'll find out the success in your career doesn't relate to the level of grades you get in your exam. The success depends on how fast you can learn and how you can make your mind open. So, keep reading all the books that you are interested. You know what you are looking for. It's OK to get the average grade in your exam.

You know I love the way you spent your time in your teenage years. You spent most of the time reading. Your English skill was not good and you wanted to attend IELTS class or TOFEL class. But you didn't want to burden your working class parents to pay for your tuition fees. They worked so hard for you and your younger brother to finish college and get degree. But you decided to learn by yourself by joining British library and you spent several hours reading the books that you borrowed from library. You practiced your speaking skills and listening skills by watching English movies and CNN. Well, you learned those because you wanted to understand what your Favorite singer; Justin Timberlake sings and speaks. Your intention is kind of funny but you're gonna thank yourself because you do pretty well in your career as you work in Fortune 500 companies where English is the key language for you to communicate with different people from different countries. 

OK, let's talk about Fortune 500 companies. You read about those companies in your textbook and you were dying to work in those companies. You imagined yourself wearing business suit and sitting at one of rooms in the skycrapper and holding the meeting with your business partner. This is how you imagined exactly after watching the movies. You didn't know if you would have chance to work in Fortunes 500 companies because the country was closed at that time and there was only handful of international companies and you didn't know what your life would be after the school. You wondered if you should have gone to Oversea to work.
I salute you for having working hard ethic at 17. You wanted to work part time and you even went to Moon Bakery and asked if they recruited the part time worker. You were dying to have actual working experience and whenever you saw the students are working as part time in the movies that you watched, you actually wished to have such kind of opportunity in your country.

You spent several hours watching TV at that time. You watched fashion TV and wished to have those models' body. You were interested in fashion too much and that's really cool because you know how to wear nicely when you're grown up. I remember you waited several hours to watch Justin Timberlake's MTV on channel V because there was no opportunity to watch his MTVs on YouTube due to lack of internet connection. You liked the way he danced and you liked the way his music video gave you the energy. You didn't know that was your inspiration at that time. You just wondered how could his MTV and songs give you the energy that you needed. After years rolled on, you relaized that you were more productive when you listened to those songs and watched dancing videos before you went to work. That's called inspiration, little girl. You just understood that word's meaning when you were turned down by one of the FMCG's brand. The MD at that company said you only had inspiration to work in smartphone company that you applied for but no inspiration to work in his company. You were sad and I bet you cried a little for being turned down. But I tell you that you're gonna thank him for your life because if he hired you at that time, you wouldn't be the person you are now today.

You felt insecure about you body when one of your friends said your butt became a bit bigger and your waist were getting thick. That's why you decided to choose not to have breakfast and eat little. Well little girl, I want to tell you that it was wrong. You faced several stomach problems till now. You skipped breakfast for 8 consecutive years and it effected you in worse way. I wish you didn't commit that habit. Your body seemed OK. You even worked out to gain weight. Your belly was barely round during 13 years of time. It seemed flat almost everytime. There's one interesting thing about you here. You started watching Victoria Scret fashion show and you wanted to get those confidence to walk in front of several people. That's why you walked like that infront of mirror. You even wanted to hold such of fashion event and you did it when you're 30. But you're gonna face some kind of low times after you have done that one. Stay strong little girl. World is not simple as you might think. It's full with twist and turn. You're gonna be OK and you're gonna be stronger than before. Trust me. Keep in faith.
It's good that you were crazy about Justin Timberlake in your teenage days. Because he kept you focused on your dreams rather than falling for the wrong guys. You were desperate to learn about the language that he spoke. You wanted to fall in love but you decided to find love when you hit 25. I'll tell you what. You actually found love when you're 25. You found the person that you really loved and he loved you too. Though you guys couldn't make it out, you learned a lot about love and you knew that you could love so much. You never knew that loving someone unconditionally was one of the most beautiful things to be happened in your life. Though you were not lucky with your first love, don't you ever give up on love. Don't you ever think that you couldn't love someone else. There's millions way to love someone and you're gonna find your significant sooner or later. I know it was so hard for you when things fell apart. Just let the time to heal all of your wounds. Believe me, you're gonna smile again wider than before. 

You always loved to be surrounded by the people who brought the new things to you. You wanted to ask several things to them and you wanted to talk about idea, life, perception, movies and meaningful things. That's why you chose to be friends with those people. That is a very good thing little girl. I'm glad that you realised one of the most important facts in the world since you're 17. I'm so glad that you always tried to avoid the traumatic drama which some people brought to you. You just rather immersed yourself in good books and good movies. That's very good thing. Keep it up. You were hesitated to eliminate the negative people in your life. You knew that those people were good to you only if you had something that they needed. But since they were hidden themselves under the name called friends, you didn't want to cut them out from your life. Well, little girl. Just do it. If you think they are not helpful when you are in need even though you helped them when they needed, just cut them off.
You need to be very selective about the people who you want to be with. You will be influenced by the people you are with. So, you need to make sure your circle is full with go-getters, high achievers, challengers who constantly push you to get to the another level. You need to make sure you are close with people who you really admire and people who are better and smarter than you.
Do not forget to be thankful about your life. You complained your parents secretly when you couldn’t study in abroad. But because of them, you understand that you need to work hard to get something if you really want. You wished to be born with the silver spoon in your mouth and gold in your hands. But one day, you will be sitting down at your study desk and thinking how your life is so meaningful to work hard to get something that you really desire. The world only has rooms for those who really work so hard. When you understand it, you will be very thankful about your life.
There is no luck in this world. If you get something that you need, never think that you get that one because you are lucky. Luck is only the preparation. The preparation to meet with the opportunity. So, you need to alert yourself to get ready to seize the opportunity.
I am very proud of you little girl. Your determination and dedication makes 30 years old you to achieve so many accomplishments. Your dreams have come true. 30 years old you is living the life that you dreamed of when you were 17 years old. I am very blessed for the times that you invested in yourself which is reading and lerning undoubtedly. Now 30 years old Khwin has new dreams and news goals. It's time for her to set the new ones and raise the bar higher. 



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