How to be positive and motivated in your daily life

It’s been so long that I didn’t sit down in front of my study desk and write something that I wanted to write. I have been super busy lately and I didn't have enough time to write something that I learned during this period of time.

As I have been so busy and keep myself in good shape, I have learned the valuable things during this period of time. That is how to keep motivation and how to be inspired to perform positively every day. It is not easy to keep our mind to be positive in our daily life. Being human, we all have feelings that are always ups and downs. Meanwhile, the negativity can impact on human’s mind and body more than the positivity can. As a human being, everyone wants to be the best and bring out the best from day to day working life. Here are some tips for being positive at work. Well, not only at work, but also in your personal life. At least, this is what I have learned.

1.   Make yourself Pretty
As working in corporate, we need to have confidence to deal with all the tasks that we are supposed to do. The easiest way to pick up confidence for me is to spend the time in front of the mirror and make myself pretty. There are plenty of ways to make ourselves pretty. Some say having the good personality is more important than having the pretty face full of makeup. But we should not forget that the first impression comes from the appearance. The way we dress, the way we look and the way we talk or the way we walk. Trust me, I find myself more productive and have successful outcomes in business negotiation when I am in love with my outfit and the way I look. So, it is really important to make myself pretty or beautiful. Then the confidence comes along the way without trying so hard. 

2. Wear the best shoes

According to the survey and some research, people might not be noticing the way you look at first, but they always notice the shoes that you wear and they judge what kind of people you are based on the types of shoes that you wear. As the matter of fact, average woman falls in love seven times in a year and six times is with shoes and one time is with a man. But I am very lucky cos I fall in love with shoes for all those seven times. Wearing the pencil heels to work is not easy. It is hurtful. But no pain, no gain. The shoes carry the body and if we wear the right shoes, the way we walk is in shape. So, please wear the right shoes. You need to choose which shoes you like the most and can walk confidently by wearing those shoes. It doesn’t matter if it’s sneaker or high heel or flat. Just wear something that make you be yourself.

3. Workout in the morning

Everyone wants to wear bikini, have thin waist, big boobs and butt and yes, they also want to be healthy. But less people put the effort in working out. Working out in the morning can help us to maintain the good vibe and productive. Practice yoga or whatever working out at gym or at home can help us to keep in shape. It helps the blood circulation and reduce the stress. People who are working in high demand industry should work out in the morning. Working out in the evening can also be considered as the second option. At least, we all can be happy when we look ourselves in the mirror when the clothes that we wear are fit on our bodies. We need to fall in love with our bodies before someone else does. The best benefit of working out is we can manage the stress a lot in good way. It can help our mind to be ready for new challenge and our mental condition improves a lot too.

4. Get Inspiration

Sometimes, we might not feel ourselves at the best and we might not believe in ourselves as always. But we can be somebody else especially during that time. I know I know. They always say “Be yourself”. But if you are having yourself at the lowest, you cannot focus or you cannot make the great thing. Because you are not you at your best. So, my suggestion is to be inspired by someone else. We all have idols or someone that we truly admired. I have few both men and women. So, I can play well based on the situation I am in. But the most important thing is we need to know if we are having the best of us or not. When I am at the lowest, I wear the mask to work. I am sure you know that I am not saying the actual mask. Before I go to work, I read some articles or watch some videos on youtube. If I have an important meeting or interview with journalist, which I need to give the best but I cannot be at my best, I adopted Beyonce or J.Lo vibe to act fearless  and confident. Of cos I only can adopt their vibe and mood. I cannot make myself to be looked like them. These two diva work super hard. I watch their music videos especially before I go to work and get inspired by the lyrics that they sing. They also sing the motivated songs. So, it is really easy to get inspired by both of their vibe and songs.

5. Stay away from negative people

You have to deal with several people in your life and not everyone that you meet can impact you positively. Some can impact you negatively and some can impact you positively. At your working place, I can 100% guarantee that your neighborhood or your co-worker will complain about everything. They complain whatever happen to them without taking any action. They will also suggest you to complain to management or to your supervisor for assigning you to work on difficult mission like they care about you so much. They always say all those negative thing before trying something out. Those people spend most of their time by talking and talking. They always bring out the negative scenario in every job that they have to deal with. If you hear their words several times, it can impact you steadily and I can assure you that you would be one of them sooner or later. The environment that we are surrounding can impact on us more or less. So, make sure you stay away from those kind of people. If you hear someone is complaining about something, just walk away and say you have something to do.

They always tell you to aim lower and expect less. The only reason they do such kind of thing is because they see your potential.

6. Be stubborn with your time

I was not very much aware of the value of time until I was 28. Now being at the late 20s and almost 30, I realize how valuable of the time is. Time is the thing that we cannot get second time. It is like water flow in the river. No same water flows in the river twice. If it passes, it passes and never come back. Time is just like that. You will never have same chance, same time and same scenario. So, do not waste your time on the things or people that can harm you mentally and physically. If you are not happy to do something, don’t do it. Please be stubborn with your time. If you do not want to hang out with certain friends or co-workers, do not hang out with them. Because you have to pretend that you like them or laugh at some jokes that they crack even most of the jokes that they crack are all about your appearance, the dress you wear, the makeup you put on your face. So, be mean with your time.

In corporate world, we have to attend the meeting which we don’t have to involve in discussion or the topic is not about our scope of work. You can say no to all those meetings. The better result will be coming out if you work on your job rather than attending the meeting which is simply waste of your time. You can manage your time. It is in your hand. Be stubborn with your time. People will see you as mean or tough person. But it is ok. At least, they know how value of your time is. 

Well, these are my personal learning which I practice in both at work and in my personal life. There is something important that I learned too. That is to stay with people who always push you to do something better. I am lucky to have those kind of persons in my life. Once I learned those things that keep me have positive mind, I become happier and better one. I couldn’t let go of something for like two years and I played like a victim in my own delusion world. I became the worst during June of this year. I will write about this in my next article. That article would be my personal experience. The lesson 6 makes me realize several things that I didn’t realize before. We are only getting older. Realizing I will be 30 soon release myself from playing the victim for so long and decide to make my dreams that I had when I was 17 to come true. I am doing nothing now but working on those dreams that I pictured myself when I was 17.

Hope you will enjoy this article. This is my learning which I would like to share with all of you who read this one. I hope you don’t mind to see my photos in this article too.




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