My Dearest Suu

My Dearest Suu

Today is her birthday and I cannot think of any better idea for her birthday present as I feel like I am running out of idea now. I am lucky to have a person like Suu in my life and I don’t know what did I do in the past life to deserve a friend like her. She is really really amazing and she always gets my back every time I fall down.

We went to the same high school but didn’t know each other until we got into the same college. As we were from the same high school, we became the closet friends. She was really smart and I found that we had a lot in common. We liked to sing, we liked to dance and we liked to watch football matches and we both supported Manchester United, we liked to talk about movies, we liked to talk about our favorite actors. While we were attending college, she had strong interest to publish the college magazine and I was so crazy to be a permanent writer in the school magazine. However it was no avail since We couldn’t convince our principal due to the very strict law by government. But regardless of this, we became best friends.

I was so interested in acting in play and started acting even in first year which she also supported. Though I was not proud of impersonation of our English teacher, that play was applauded by the students. During second year, we decided to create a funny play and I wrote the draft story line and script. She and the rest of the members helped to edit. Acting on a stage with the classmates was one of the most memorable moments in college. The whole team became famous and she became the best performer after our show. Her nickname was quiet popular and I still remember how some people still call her that name even after we graduated.When we were in final year, she and I decided to do the traditional play which was normally played by boys. But regardless of the gender, we took it on and I am so glad we did it. That was the one and only Boisterous show played by girls in our college history so far. When we needed the fund for our show, she came to my home with a small gold ring and told me to sell it to my mom. When I told my mom about this, my mom was kind of freak out and told us that was not the right way to get the fund. So, she just took it back and didn’t sell her grandmother’s ring to my mom. When I thought about this, I couldn’t stop laughing at all.

We both were not really into our college study but in discussing about world affairs, international music, politics and yes, football matches. During the World Cup 2006, we both supported same team and I still remember how she called me in the middle of the night when England lost the quarter final. Those times were really precious. We didn’t have stress. We didn’t have to worry about anything. The only thing we worried was if Manchester United won the weekend match. We didn't care so much about our grades in college too. After we came out of the exam room, she and I never talked what we answered on the exam sheet because we both knew that we just answered in our own way. 

After graduated, I decided to work because I hated to sit at home as most of the times I had nothing to do and I also had strong desire to start earning for my spendings. So, she was the one who prepared my resume because I was totally clueless when it comes to it.  Even after we learned how to prepare our resume in college, I had not paid enough attention and needed to ask her help to prepare it as always. Sending the CV through email was not popular at that time and we needed to go to the companies’ offices for applications. She was by my side in those journeys as always.

When I decided to attend MBA, I asked her to attend but she said she would go to America to study MBA there. Well, that’s where the story began. Before she went to America, I kept asking whether she would live there forever or not. And I told her to spend the time with me before she went there. I cried during her farewell dinner before she left for America. I found myself crying next three days. Though I knew that she would come back, it was hard for me not to see her whenever I wanted. But Facebook has already kicked in at that time which somehow kept communication closer. Soon after she went to America, she was busy with her study and I was busy with my study too. But there came one day, she wrote on my Facebook wall that she had something to tell me. Then when I woke up, I called her because I couldn’t wait find out what she would tell me.

What she said was she started dating with a guy called Charles who studied Law in her university. I was like “Wow, Law student?” and couldn’t stop smiling and was so happy for her. Shortly after they satrted dating, they fell in love and she told me that they were in relationship. I was the happiest person for that news because I figured how much Charles loved her. I always knew that she deserved someone who loved her eternally, uncondionally and deeply. I became friend with Charles on Facebook and we three talked at least once a week via Skype. During our talk, we always shared our current affairs, works and I asked for her advice. She always kept telling me it would be a lot better if I could study in the States with her. Of cos I wanted to but I couldn’t afford it.

She is so amazing and a person who always inspire me. As she is the person who truly understands me more than I understand myself and I always follow her advice. Whenever I was heartbroken or depressed, I always called her up and listened to her opinions, advice and conclusion. She always told me to believe in myself and focus on what I am doing. When I was sad, she sent the song which she wanted me to listen to and once I listened to those songs, I felt like I was alright. The song I loved the most that she sent me were “Chiquitita” by ABBA and “Just The Way You Are” by Bruno Mars. I still listen to those songs whenever I am heartbroken, sad, depressed and insecure.

I am always proud of her for what she stands, what she believes, what she inspires me and other people, what she does for her family and friends and how she helps less fortunate people. I’ve never seen someone who stay as humble as she does and she never falls for the material things. She never wears make up but in fact she didn't need to as she is so pretty very naturally not only in my eyes but also in others eyes. I am so glad that she shared her belief in life, her value in life and things she seeks in her life with me.

I do love the days when we sang a song in the car while we were rolling around the city. After we watched one movie, we called up each other and discussed what have we learned from that movie and how we saw the characters. I always shared the movies that we should have watched and she always shared with me too. We both are movie lovers. And we couldn’t stop talking about our celebrity crushes after we watched certain movies.

Well the things she did on my Birthdays or Valentines’ days were very lovely too. If no one had given me the flowers on my birthday, she secretly sent those flowers to my office. And on Valentines’ day, she sent chocolate and flowers to my office when she was in Yangon. How lucky I am to have this kind of Best Friend?

Well, I am so glad that I became a person who is important in her life. She is also the person who is a lot important in my life. Now she is going to get married and she asked me to be the maid of honor in her wedding. I didn’t think twice. I just nodded my head and thrilled to be the maid of honor in her wedding day.

I am also happy to see that Charles loves her so much. They have more than 3 years long distance relationship after she came back from the States. But there is the strong loyalty between them and they keep the faith in their love. That kind of love is rare and I am so grateful that they found one. Their love story inspires me to believe in true love and fairy tale. 

Well, today is her birthday and I am so honored to write about my best friend, soul mate and soul sister. I cannot imagine my life without her. She is the one who brings back my confidence when i lose it, makes me feel right when I am insecure, makes me believe in myself when my faith start losing. She always keeps telling that I deserve the best. Well, words cannot express how I am happy to be her friend. 
I wish her all the best. I wish her to have a very happy life with the love of her life and build the happy family together. 

Happy Birthday Baby! 


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