A Random Thought on April 19th
A Random Thought on April 19th A typical evening in my bedroom with the laptop on my lap and browsing several sites to find something which I am not actually looking for. There is no big intention to surf on internet. I just realize that I was doing the things which could make me forget the reality of this world. It’s been more than a year that we all have to stay at home and take a break from traveling and going out. This experience is nothing but a painful experience. There was curfew from 12AM to 4AM during the pandemic period but now things just get worse after the military coup. New curfew time starts at 8 PM to 4AM in the morning. It’s needless to say that I do miss the driving experience in the night. I really do miss the interacting with people freely without wearing the masks, without worrying to be arrested, without concerning about the security and safety. Things just get changed within a year and the worst thing is I don’t know when this all ends. The world is hi...