Letter to 17 years old Khwin

Dear 17 years old Khwin, I wrote this letter to you after 13 years and decided to choose 17 years old Khwin because this is the age you started dreaming about what kind of person you wanted to be and what kind of life you wanted to live. You were nothing at that time but full with several dreams and hopes. You couldn't figure out what to do but you kept dreaming. You were studying but you were not interested in the subjects. Sometimes you wondered why you spent your time in the class room. But when you started learning marketing subject in your class, you found that you liked that one and started thinking to work as marketer after you graduated. You always had questions for everything and you always tried to find the answers for everything too. You always believed that every question has an answer. So it doesn't matter how stupid the question that you asked yourself and others, you always expected the answers. I want you to know that it's good to seek an answer but some...