
Showing posts from March, 2018

I Have A Dream

It’s been such a long time that I didn’t write about the inspiration, motivation or positive vibes that makes my soul moves. I have been struggling with the life that I chose to live with. It was so difficult for me to cope with every struggle that I faced. I lost my way and I seek out the help from everyone around me. I opened up what I was struggling with the close people around me. They saw me depressing, losing my way, demotivating for more than a couple of months. I am not shame to admit that I am emotional person who believes emotion drives motion. Everything that I have done, every move that I have made, every path that I have chosen, every decision that I have made based on my emotion, instincts and guts. I will never forget what I have dealt with during past two months. The experiences made me nothing but wiser though.  I hate to call my friends and say “Hey, I feel something is not right, I feel like I am losing my way, I feel like I am depressin