Man of The Woods Album Review

Before I write the album review, I have to admit that I am the biggest fan of JT and my whole life has been growing up with his music. But don’t worry. I just promise myself that I would write the authentic review of his album. Justin released his fifth studio album on 2 nd February if we count 20/20 experience second album in the list. As usual, his fifth album was highly anticipated album of 2018. He released his first single “Filthy” on 5 th January and when I first listened to that song, I was moving my ass at gym and couldn’t stop dancing and singing on my own. I was singing like “Haters gonna say it’s fake” almost every time. He announced that he would perform at 52th Superbowl halftime show in November and I am sure we all got hint that he would release his new album since that period. As usual, he didn’t do too many teasers like other artists did nowadays, he just dropped his lead single “Filthy” along with his fourth coming album release...