
Showing posts from January, 2018

Get Out Of The Cage

Before I write this article, I was trying to figure out what kind of content that I would put down in this article. As I was longing to write how women should behave like the way they are and live the life like the way the want and put their own destiny in their own hands, I thought I should write about getting out of the cage which was made of the norms by the society.   It might be easy to say “You can do everything you want in your life” to a man but it is not easy to say the same things to the girls and women. As growing up in developing country where women are being still locked in the norms and customs which were made before we were born, it is needless to say that women don’t have the freedom to do the things that they think right.   We don’t have to look outside of our circle, we could see how the people in our circle judge women’s behavior in inappropriate way. The society will judge us if we are single-minded persons, they will judge us if we are too emo

I Still Love You, Jenny

He sat down in his cozy bed and closed his eyes for a moment to recall some memories that his brain had deleted a few years ago. His eyes were opened slowly and his finger unlocked his phone screen again. A couple of second later, his eyes were glued to his phone screen and he forgot to breathe a while. “You look so beautiful. Amazingly beautiful.” That’s what he said to himself. He was happy to see she was smiling and seemed so happy in the photo but his heart felt so much pain because she looked so beautiful in the white dress. The day that he was so afraid to face has finally arrived without giving him any clue. He didn’t hear that she was going to get married. He didn’t even see her photo with her boyfriend on Facebook and Instagram. He didn’t even know she was dating nor she was engaged to someone else. He only saw her photos with her friends, her vacation photos and her funny photos on social network. He didn’t prepare to see her in her wedding gown.   He lo