
Showing posts from November, 2017

A Year Can Change a Person

2017 is a year full of dramatic changes in my life. When I was 23 when I sat down the job interview with one FMCG company, the interviewer asked me how long I could work in their company. My answer was five years because I would like to do something different when I was 28 and I considered 28 would be my turning point. I answered without having any clue and I didn’t expect 28 would be a real turning point for me.  Well, this is how the story goes. I didn’t get a job in that company because when I sat down the interviewed with their managing director, he asked me how many jobs that I applied. I answered him the truth and he asked how much I knew about his company. I couldn’t say much cos I didn’t study very well about his company. Then he asked me the other company that I applied for. The interview with big telecom company happened before I sat down the interview with him. So, I studied a lot about that telco company and I told him what I knew. When I fi

“Stay Disconnected and Surrounded by People Who Love You"

 Everyone needs a break from their hectic life once in a year if the job is stressful. I strongly recommend my colleagues and my friends to take a break, take a trip and travel to somewhere they could really get away from every stressful thing that they are facing. As I had 4 holidays in the beginning of November, I decided to go back to my home town instead of planning traveling to some fancy places. I knew that I needed to be disconnected from the things that made me stressed. I needed to stay away from hectic city life. Traveling can change people mindset. It can make us more open minded person who is willing to learn the new things and talk with different people from different places.  I came from not-so-developing town in Myanmar and whenever I went back to my home town, I always thank to my parents who moved from their native town and made a living in the city. Because of them, I and my brother didn't have to grow up in that kind of pl