Dark Moments In September

I always thought that September was the worst month for me in a year. The bad luck in September story began in 2014 and since then I have been suffering the bad luck even in this year September. I tried to not think of that way. But I don't know how to label about those things happened only in September. I didn't notice before. I didn't remember what happened exactly in September until 2014. In 2014 September, I was hospitalized and I had to cancel my long waiting travel plan to Bagan with my friends. I even passed out during the supplier visit and my health was at the lowest condition. I faced so many bad thing during that year September. In 2015, I thought September was just another month for me and no more bad luck for me. But I faced the worst luck. On September 13 th , yes. On September 13 th . I got a call and I heard that some people found out who I was dating with and it was not good for my boyfriend. I was so shocked and so sad. But wishing us...