How Working Out Change My Life

In the past few years, I was fighting with frequent sickness and my resistance was pretty bad. My lifestyle was quite hectic and since I was working in one of the most demanding industries, it was hard for me to have work-life-balance or harmony. I couldn’t manage my own time. I was busy everyday but it was not very productive. There were several emails in my mail box which I couldn’t reply on time. When the weather was gloomy or cold, I was getting sick and needed to stay at home. I frequently passed out in the office, at my home or even while making the supplier site visit. That was pretty bad. I skipped breakfast for 8 consecutive years and I didn’t realize that breakfast was the most important meal in our daily life. I felt so exhausted and sometimes I couldn’t breathe so well. I felt my heart was pounding after I walked for 5 minutes. I didn’t pay enough attention to my sleeping hours too. When I read that most creative people barely slept in the night time because ...