
Showing posts from July, 2017

How Working Out Change My Life

In the past few years, I was fighting with frequent sickness and my resistance was pretty bad. My lifestyle was quite hectic and since I was working in one of the most demanding industries, it was hard for me to have work-life-balance or harmony. I couldn’t manage my own time. I was busy everyday but it was not very productive. There were several emails in my mail box which I couldn’t reply on time. When the weather was gloomy or cold, I was getting sick and needed to stay at home. I frequently passed out in the office, at my home or even while making the supplier site visit. That was pretty bad. I skipped breakfast for 8 consecutive years and I didn’t realize that breakfast was the most important meal in our daily life. I felt so exhausted and sometimes I couldn’t breathe so well. I felt my heart was pounding after I walked for 5 minutes. I didn’t pay enough attention to my sleeping hours too. When I read that most creative people barely slept in the night time because

My Memoirs of Chester Bennington

My Memoirs of Chester Bennington I heard Chester committed suicide on Friday when I was walking on Treadmill in the morning. I saw this news on BBC and I couldn’t believe that at first. So, I googled about him and found that his suicidal news on internet. I think I forgot to breathe for a while. I was keeping telling myself “How could it be?” “How could my favorite artist commit suicide?”. I kept asking and asking and reading the news by wishing the news I was reading was not true. My teenage memories were filled with Linkin Park, Westlife, N’Sync, Britney Spears, Backstreet Boy and Eminem’s songs. I didn’t like rock and alternative music. But I don’t know how I accidently listened to “In The End” by Linkin Park when I was in high school. I completely fell for that song and that song became my inspiration song later. Whenever bad things happened to me, I kept reminding myself that in the end it doesn’t even matter. I remembered the days I locked up myself and listened t

My Dearest Suu

My Dearest Suu Today is her birthday and I cannot think of any better idea for her birthday present as I feel like I am running out of idea now. I am lucky to have a person like Suu in my life and I don’t know what did I do in the past life to deserve a friend like her. She is really really amazing and she always gets my back every time I fall down. We we nt to the same high school but didn’t know each other until we got into the same college. As we were from the same high school, we became the closet friends . She was really smart and I found that we had a lot in common. We liked to sing, we liked to dance and we liked to watch football matches and we both supported Manchester United, we liked to talk about movies, we liked to talk about our fav orite actors . While we were attending college, she ha d s tr ong interest to publish the college magazine and I was so crazy to be a permanent writer in the school magazine. Ho wever it was n o avail s in ce We c