
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Five Books That Changed My Life in 2017

2017 is the most amazing year of my life so far. There were several ups and downs but I believed that I handled like a grown up woman as I felt like I was more matured than before. The reason I handled those things is none other than reading the good books and learning from those which I am going to write about. Here are the favorite picks from the books that I read in 2017.  1.       Lean In This is the first book that I read in 2017. It made me nothing but to take bigger challenge and believe in myself by wearing the high confidence as the daily makeup. I admit that Sheryl’s masterpiece gave me empowerment and huge encouragement. After reading that book, I tried to push myself harder and harder and focus on raising the bars. I reminded myself to stay real, say what I thought and do what I believed. This book changed my perception on women completely. I used to be so ashamed of crying at work when I was under huge pressure and large disappointment. But Sheryl

We Need to Take A break, Relax and Breathe

Recently I felt like I wanted to run away and hide in the forest or the place where no-work related issues chasing after me. I looked back my five years of career life and I found that I didn’t have any long break even in the transition between jobs. The longest time that I took off was only four days when I quit from Samsung before I joined Huawei back this year. Of cos, I got break during the long holidays but I didn’t have chance to relax fully as I had to work and reply something by using my mobile and laptop.  I asked myself several questions lately. Why I didn’t take long break? The reason was too simple. I wanted to grow a lot and run faster than anybody else. I set up the goals to achieve before I started my career. I always wanted to take big responsibility and hold the bigger role. I pushed myself so hard. I seek the inspiration from within my circle and out of my circle too. Some saw me that I was really doing great, holding the good role, getting h