A Dream That I Have Since I was 12

Since I have loved to share all of my thoughts, my experiences, my learning and my perception by writing down in my blog, this time is about my childhood dream. My crazy childhood dream. When I was a kid, my parents wanted me to be a doctor. It was a normal thing that all the parents wanted their children to be the doctors or engineers because there were no other impressive job status during those times. They also barely tried to figure out what their children wanted to be. Once we learned that they wanted me and my brother to be a doctor and engineer, whenever someone asked us what we wanted to be when we became adult, our answers were doctor for me and engineer for my brother. Whenever we answered like that, we found that my dad seemed so happy. So, we didn’t have choice, we always answered just like that, just to make my dad happy. But that was not what we wanted to be. I always wanted to be a writer. I found that I had that desire to be a writer since I was 12 year...