Turning 28

During these days, I just reflected about my life, what I have been though, what were my mistakes, what were my most painful experiences, what I have learned, how I have changed and who I have become. All I can say is I’ve changed a lot and I have become the one I really wanted to be when I was young. Well, I guess I had to share what I have learned during these years. 1. Positivity It was so hard for me to stay positive and to see the silver lining in every cloud when I was 24 or 25. I was young at that time and too arrogant without sound good reason to be honest. I was leading the team and working in very demanded industry and couldn’t cope with changes, complaints and couldn’t lead the team very efficiently. I felt pressure from management team and couldn’t fulfill their desire and took personally whenever I got blame. Whenever someone advised me, I took it as criticism. That was the biggest mistake that I’ve ever made. When I heard how people talked about ...